Sometimes Life Takes Us Full Circle
February 11, 2010Our Potential Is Unlimited: The IIA in Emerging Economies
March 3, 2010At the end of December, I offered my opinion on the five defining events of the past decade for our profession. These types of lists are often best drawn up with the benefit of hindsight. After all, it is easy to get caught up and start offering hyperbole about virtually any event that happens. However, there are some events that are obviously “game changers.” One such event may just have occurred for our profession.
Last week, The Queen of England granted “chartered” status for the Institute of Internal Auditors U.K. and Ireland (IIA–U.K. & Ireland). On October 1 of this year, one of the most respected IIA institutes in the world is set to become the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors. The implications of this milestone cannot be overstated. The event is likely to be viewed around the world as a major enhancement to the stature of the profession and The IIA — particularly in the Commonwealth countries.
As fate would have it, I am honored to be a guest of the IIA–U.K. & Ireland in London this week. This evening, I am slated to join an event to be attended by CAEs of many of the U.K.’s most prestigious companies. I will offer my congratulations on behalf of the profession and IIA members around the world.
Stay tuned to The IIA for more information on this noteworthy development. Milestones of this sort simply do not happen every day. Congratulations to our colleagues in the U.K. and Ireland!
I welcome your comments via LinkedIn or Twitter (@rfchambers).