February 9, 2015
In Extraordinary Circumstances, Cynthia Cooper’s riveting account of internal audit’s role in unraveling the financial reporting fraud at WorldCom, she recounts the challenges she had in securing an […]
February 3, 2015
Welcome to what I call “white paper season” for internal auditors. Around this time each year, a number of survey-based white papers are released that provide […]
January 27, 2015
During the early years of my internal audit career, the Internet did not exist. In some ways, those were the “good ol’ days!” Today, social media […]
January 21, 2015
In an effort to raise awareness about objectivity, I often pose a series of questions to internal auditors. Have you ever been called upon to direct […]
January 12, 2015
If we learned anything from the global financial crises of 2008, it was this: When boards of directors fail in their oversight responsibility of risk management, […]
January 5, 2015
This time each year, many of us reflect upon our accomplishments and identify areas for self-improvement, whether it’s to eat better, exercise more, or simply cut […]
December 18, 2014
As 2014 draws to a close, I am reflecting on the events that will have a lasting effect on our profession. Each year, various news reports […]
December 12, 2014
In my nearly 40 years in internal audit, I have worked for diverse organizations with immensely talented individuals from all corners of the globe. The experiences […]
December 8, 2014
As internal auditors, we know it’s essential to win consensus. We work hard to create a shared understanding of risks, and to gain buy-in for our […]
December 1, 2014
Many new internal auditors believe that, when a report is issued, their job is done. In reality, being an effective internal auditor ultimately hinges on one’s […]