Internal Audit’s Role in Picking up the Pieces
June 11, 2018Internal Auditors Can Audit Anything — but Not Everything
June 25, 2018The IIA is in the midst of the most extraordinary transformation project in its history. Over the next two years, service to members will be elevated through deployment of new systems for certification candidate management, e-commerce, and association management, and a crucial evolution in our website, driven by member needs. When fully deployed, the digital transformation project will make the organization more efficient and more accountable to its members.
Throughout much of The IIA’s storied history, its motto has been “Progress Through Sharing.” The IIA’s role as the profession’s champion includes sharing with its members the tools and resources they need to deliver on stakeholder expectations of protecting and enhancing value in their organizations. The IIA also recognizes an obligation to share resources that will enable its members to grow and advance in their careers.
In delivering on its mission, IIA Global headquarters produces research and thought leadership in various areas, including standards and guidance, significant issues that impact how internal auditors do their jobs, and key messaging to stakeholders about internal audit’s critical role in good governance and the added value its work brings to the organization. In addition, it offers learning solutions and globally recognized credentials to enable members to demonstrate their proficiency in a range of skills and competencies.
The thought leadership, guidance, and other information engines of The IIA generate a great amount of content, and one of the challenges The IIA faces is how to present that content to members and stakeholders in a useable and easily accessible format. The digital transformation process will require us to amass, evaluate, and synthesize an expansive content library developed over the decades. This effort brings into sharp focus the importance of making the best of that content available to our members.
But distillation and dissemination of The IIA’s expansive content inventory need not wait for a two-year project to come to fruition. Indeed, practitioners need these tools today. The IIA has responded to that need by adding a series of landing pages to its Global and North American websites that group relevant content by subject. I liken these landing pages to toolboxes, where the implements that internal auditors need to address key risks and meet stakeholder expectations reside.
The list of “digital toolboxes” hyperlinked to the dedicated landing pages is impressive:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Culture
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Fundamentals
- Leadership Development
- Talent Management
- Trusted Advisor
Each page includes links to a variety of material, including articles and blogs, trends and research, guidance, videos, training, and other resources.
These are exciting times to be an internal auditor. Like never before, practitioners are being pressed to react quickly to changing risk landscapes as challenges and opportunities grow in complexity. Fast-developing risks are increasingly the norm for many industries, and none is immune to the influences of technology, geopolitics, and a volatile and convoluted global marketplace. Even as practitioners work to adapt, the profession is facing competition from other risk professionals who are vying for the time, interest, and trust of executive management and boards.
This is why it is essential for today’s internal auditor to be armed with the most up-to-date and insightful information available on issues of importance to their stakeholders. The IIA will continue to develop new and valuable content to add to its expansive collection, and much of it will come from members who contribute their insight and experiences.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on our new content-specific landing pages.
I welcome your comments via LinkedIn or Twitter (@rfchambers).